Dry Needling for Back Pain in Jacksonville, FL
Dry Needle Pain Relief believes in bringing relief to every patient regardless of what is paining them. Our dry needling for back pain is one of the most common forms of treatment that we see on an everyday basis. We use dry needling to relieve pain from tight muscles, painful joints, and damaged nerves. Our premier center for dry needling in Jacksonville aims to bring these treatments to anyone suffering from back pain.
Why Does Dry Needling Work?
Dry needling for back pain is a way to improve the quality of life from those suffering from constant or new painful conditions. By addressing the trigger points in your back muscles, this procedure releases the tension that has built up after developing a painful disorder or from pulling a muscle. We offer a series of dry needling treatments meant to target specific sections of the back. By inserting needles with no medication directly into the muscle, dry needling relaxes the muscles and reduces the tension to allow our patients to recover quickly and relieve their pain.
Who Needs This for Their Back?
Back pain can be caused by a wide variety of issues ranging from a strain to a skeletal irregularity. It is essential to understand what causes your pain before receiving treatment so we will know how to proceed. Nearly everyone will experience back pain at some point, and dry needling for back pain can bring real results to our lives. Dry needling for back pain stimulates your trigger points and improves your movement.
What Can It Alleviate?
From overcoming sciatica to managing lumbopelvic disorders, dry needling for back pain can change the way you live your life for the better by reducing or ending your pain. Common areas for back pain are in your extensor muscles or the muscles that are attached to the back of the spine. These are meant to help us lift objects and stand up. Dry needling for back pain may be necessary after stress causes these muscles to tighten, which takes away the energy needed for everyday activities.
Common Back Conditions that Dry Needling Can Help:
- Sciatica
- Lumbopelvic Disorders
- Postural Disorders
- Rotator Cuff Injuries
- Muscle Sprains and Strains
- Herniated Discs
Combining Your Dry Needling with Other Plans
Dry needling for back pain is an excellent treatment to add to your chiropractic treatments or physical therapy exercises. Together, these can significantly reduce your pain and improve your physical health. Consult your doctor and our staff to find the best plan for you.
Back Pain Relief
Dry Needle Pain Relief wants to bring complete pain relief to our patients through procedures that are proven effective. Your back tension and pain can be a thing of the past with dry needling for back pain. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.